Welcome to LightWin’s documentation!



Precise that BeamParametersFactory and TransferMatrixFactory are mandatory.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/beam_calculator.py:docstring of beam_calculation.beam_calculator, line 8.)


default_field_map_folder has a wrong default value. Should take path to the .dat file, that is not known at this point. Maybe handle this directly in the InstructionsFactory or whatever.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/beam_calculator.py:docstring of beam_calculation.beam_calculator.BeamCalculator._set_up_common_factories, line 3.)


Handle reference synchronous phase.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/beam_calculator.py:docstring of beam_calculation.beam_calculator.BeamCalculator.reference_phase, line 3.)


update_reference_phase is currently unused, because it is not useful once the propagation has been calculated. So… should I keep it? Maybe it can be useful in post_optimisation_run_with_this, or in scripts to convert the phase between the different references, or when I want to save the .dat?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/beam_calculator.py:docstring of beam_calculation.beam_calculator.BeamCalculator.run, line 3.)


Patch in transfer matrix to get proper input transfer matrix. In future, input beam will not hold transf mat in anymore.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/envelope_1d/simulation_output_factory.py:docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_1d.simulation_output_factory.SimulationOutputFactoryEnvelope1D.run, line 3.)


I think that this module could be greatly enhanced. I am not a Cython specialist and suggestions are welcome.

(The original entry is located in docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_1d.transfer_matrices_c, line 5.)


Field maps better to create the transfer matrix in one passage at the end?

(The original entry is located in docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_1d.transfer_matrices_c, line 9.)


the passing of the field maps is not clean at all

(The original entry is located in docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_1d.transfer_matrices_c, line 12.)


Possible to use only lists here. May speed up the code, especially in _c. But numpy is fast, no?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/envelope_1d/transfer_matrices_p.py:docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_1d.transfer_matrices_p, line 6.)


send beta as argument to avoid recomputing it each time

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/envelope_1d/transfer_matrices_p.py:docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_1d.transfer_matrices_p, line 10.)


clean, fix, separate leapfrog integration in dedicated module

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/envelope_1d/transfer_matrices_p.py:docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_1d.transfer_matrices_p.z_field_map_leapfrog, line 3.)


Maybe Envelope3D could inherit from Envelope1D and this method would be written outnonly once.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/envelope_3d/envelope_3d.py:docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_3d.envelope_3d.Envelope3D._adapt_cavity_settings, line 6.)


Patch in transfer matrix to get proper input transfer matrix. In future, input beam will not hold transf mat in anymore.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/envelope_3d/simulation_output_factory.py:docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_3d.simulation_output_factory.SimulationOutputFactoryEnvelope3D.run, line 3.)


3D field maps?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/envelope_3d/transfer_matrices_p.py:docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_3d.transfer_matrices_p, line 6.)


Maybe it would be clearer to compose r_xx, r_yy, r_zz. As an example, the zz_drift is used in several places.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/envelope_3d/transfer_matrices_p.py:docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_3d.transfer_matrices_p, line 9.)


Will be necessary to separate this module into several sub-packages

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/envelope_3d/transfer_matrices_p.py:docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_3d.transfer_matrices_p, line 13.)


more math, less numpy. look at envelope 1d version

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/envelope_3d/transfer_matrices_p.py:docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_3d.transfer_matrices_p, line 16.)


As I am working on floats and not on np arrays, maybe the functions from the cmath package would be more adapted?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/envelope_3d/transfer_matrices_p.py:docstring of beam_calculation.envelope_3d.transfer_matrices_p._quadrupole_trigo_hyperbolic, line 3.)



(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/factory.py:docstring of beam_calculation.factory.BeamCalculatorsFactory._patch_to_remove_misunderstood_key, line 3.)


different functions, for different outputs. At least, an _element_to_index and a _element_to_indexes. And also a different function for when the index element is desired.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/simulation_output/factory.py:docstring of beam_calculation.simulation_output.factory._element_to_index, line 7.)


Do I really need the r_zz_elt key??

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/simulation_output/simulation_output.py:docstring of beam_calculation.simulation_output.simulation_output, line 3.)


Do I really need z_abs? Envelope1D does not uses it while TraceWin does.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/simulation_output/simulation_output.py:docstring of beam_calculation.simulation_output.simulation_output, line 6.)


Transfer matrices are stored in TransferMatrix, but also in BeamParameters.zdelta.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/simulation_output/simulation_output.py:docstring of beam_calculation.simulation_output.simulation_output, line 9.)


Maybe the synchronous phase model should appear somewhere in here?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/simulation_output/simulation_output.py:docstring of beam_calculation.simulation_output.simulation_output, line 13.)


normalized or not???

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/tracewin/beam_parameters_factory.py:docstring of beam_calculation.tracewin.beam_parameters_factory.BeamParametersFactoryTraceWin._extract_emittance_for_99percent, line 3.)


another possibly unbound error to handle

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/tracewin/simulation_output_factory.py:docstring of beam_calculation.tracewin.simulation_output_factory._add_dummy_data, line 6.)


fix possible unbound error for n_columns.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/tracewin/simulation_output_factory.py:docstring of beam_calculation.tracewin.simulation_output_factory._remove_incomplete_line, line 3.)


Maybe I should also store the synchronous phase?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/beam_calculation/tracewin/tracewin.py:docstring of beam_calculation.tracewin.tracewin.TraceWin._save_cavities_entry_phases, line 8.)


Handling of arguments for TW could be cleaner

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/config/beam_calculator.py:docstring of config.beam_calculator, line 3.)


I do not like the fact that some design_space_kw values are defined twice… I could move the default values to the initialisation of the DesignSpace object maybe. Eventually, everything from this script will be moved to the object instantiation anyway.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/config/design_space.py:docstring of config.design_space, line 3.)


It would be interesting to be able to pass some fig_kw directly from the .toml. I guess it is one of the reason of why I started refactoring the plots…

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/config/plots.py:docstring of config.plots, line 8.)


Specific test for every optimisation method? For now, just trust the user.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/config/wtf.py:docstring of config.wtf, line 3.)


Maybe make test and config to dict more compact?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/config_manager.py:docstring of config_manager, line 9.)


  • element name

  • element number

  • end_section

  • maybe add this? Unnecessary at this point

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/config_manager.py:docstring of config_manager, line 12.)


Remove global variables.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/config_manager.py:docstring of config_manager, line 20.)


Compute_transfer_matrices: simplify, add a calculation of missing phi_0 at the end

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/accelerator/accelerator.py:docstring of core.accelerator.accelerator, line 9.)


Cleaner Accelerator factory (use class, not just a function).

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/accelerator/accelerator.py:docstring of core.accelerator.accelerator, line 13.)


Should I reset the sync particle entry phase?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/accelerator/accelerator.py:docstring of core.accelerator.accelerator.Accelerator.keep_settings, line 3.)


Remove tracewin command from BeamParameters

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/beam_parameters/__init__.py:docstring of core.beam_parameters, line 6.)


Remove the is_3d, is_multipart as I always create the same object with True, True. Also self._determine_phase_spaces() is useless.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/beam_parameters/factory.py:docstring of core.beam_parameters.factory.InitialBeamParametersFactory, line 5.)


Would be better if all emittances had the same units? Check consistency with rest of the code…

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/beam_parameters/helper.py:docstring of core.beam_parameters.helper.twiss_from_sigma, line 9.)


Check if property setter work with the *= thingy

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/beam_parameters/helper.py:docstring of core.beam_parameters.helper.twiss_from_sigma, line 13.)


Could be cleaner.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/beam_parameters/initial_beam_parameters.py:docstring of core.beam_parameters.initial_beam_parameters.InitialBeamParameters.sigma, line 3.)



(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/commands/__init__.py:docstring of core.commands, line 3.)


How should I save the min/max variables?? For now, use None.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/commands/adjust.py:docstring of core.commands.adjust, line 8.)


handle personalized name of commands (marker)

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/commands/factory.py:docstring of core.commands.factory, line 3.)


Check if it would be relatable to hold some arguments? As for now, I would be better off with a run function instead of a class.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/commands/factory.py:docstring of core.commands.factory.CommandFactory.__init__, line 3.)


Make this robust.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/commands/factory.py:docstring of core.commands.factory.CommandFactory._personalized_name, line 3.)


As for now, the effect of this command will be overriden by the _force_a_lattice_for_every_element. See how I should handle this…

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/commands/lattice.py:docstring of core.commands.lattice.LatticeEnd.apply, line 3.)


Should also modify RFQ_CEL, CAVSIN, NCELLS according to doc.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/commands/set_sync_phase.py:docstring of core.commands.set_sync_phase, line 3.)


Check if this still works, as lattice and idx_in_lattice are now initialized with -1 instead of None.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/commands/superpose_map.py:docstring of core.commands.superpose_map.SuperposeMap._decrement_lattice_indexes, line 3.)


Check behavior w.r.t. LATTICE.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/edge.py:docstring of core.elements.edge, line 3.)


clean the patch for the ‘name’. my has and get methods do not work with @property

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/element.py:docstring of core.elements.element, line 3.)


Make this robust.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/factory.py:docstring of core.elements.factory.ElementFactory._personalized_name, line 3.)


Similar to synchronous phase, allow for V_cav to be “master” instead of k_e.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/field_maps/cavity_settings.py:docstring of core.elements.field_maps.cavity_settings, line 7.)


Which syntax for when I want to compute the value of a property but not return it? Maybe a _ = self.phi_0_abs? Maybe this case should not appear here, appart for when I debug.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/field_maps/cavity_settings.py:docstring of core.elements.field_maps.cavity_settings.CavitySettings, line 3.)


Determine if status should be kept here or in the field map.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/field_maps/cavity_settings.py:docstring of core.elements.field_maps.cavity_settings.CavitySettings, line 11.)


For TraceWin solver, I will also need the field map index.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/field_maps/cavity_settings.py:docstring of core.elements.field_maps.cavity_settings.CavitySettings, line 14.)


Maybe not necessary to raise an error when there is a mismatch.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/field_maps/cavity_settings.py:docstring of core.elements.field_maps.cavity_settings.CavitySettings._check_consistency_of_status_and_reference, line 3.)


This will be subclassed, as the different solvers do not have the same needs. TraceWin does not need to load the electromagnetic fields, so every FIELD_MAP is implemented. Envelope1D cannot support 3D. etc

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/field_maps/factory.py:docstring of core.elements.field_maps.factory, line 6.)


Handle the different kind of field_maps…

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/field_maps/field_map.py:docstring of core.elements.field_maps.field_map, line 3.)


Handle the SET_SYNCH_PHASE command

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/field_maps/field_map.py:docstring of core.elements.field_maps.field_map, line 6.)


Hande phi_s fitting with beam_calculation.tracewin.Tracewin

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/field_maps/field_map.py:docstring of core.elements.field_maps.field_map, line 9.)


when subclassing field_maps, do not forget to update the transfer matrix selector in: - Envelope3D - SingleElementEnvelope3DParameters - SetOfCavitySettings - the run_with_this methods

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/field_maps/field_map.py:docstring of core.elements.field_maps.field_map, line 12.)


Maybe move this to the field_map package once it is implemented

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/elements/superposed_field_map.py:docstring of core.elements.superposed_field_map, line 7.)


The line is edited to remove personalized name, weight and always have the same arguments at the same position. But after I shall re-add them with reinsert_optional_commands_in_line. This is very patchy and un-Pythonic.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/instruction.py:docstring of core.instruction, line 3.)


Instantiate this in BeamCalculator. It could be initialized with the load_electromagnetic_files flag (False for TraceWin), the list of implemented elements/commands (ex Envelope3D, not everything is set).

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/instructions_factory.py:docstring of core.instructions_factory, line 3.)


maybe ElementFactory and CommandFactory should be instantiated from this? Or from another class, but they do have a lot in common

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/instructions_factory.py:docstring of core.instructions_factory, line 8.)


for now, forcing loading of cython field maps

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/instructions_factory.py:docstring of core.instructions_factory, line 12.)


Check if the return value from apply_commands is necessary.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/instructions_factory.py:docstring of core.instructions_factory.InstructionsFactory.run, line 3.)


Also handle .dst file in subset_list_run().

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/list_of_elements/factory.py:docstring of core.list_of_elements.factory, line 11.)


Maybe it will be necessary to handle cases where the synch particle is not perfectly on the axis?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/list_of_elements/factory.py:docstring of core.list_of_elements.factory, line 14.)


Find a smart way to sublass ListOfElementsFactory according to the BeamCalculator… Loading field maps not necessary with TraceWin for example.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/list_of_elements/factory.py:docstring of core.list_of_elements.factory, line 18.)


The elements_to_dump key should be in the configuration file

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/list_of_elements/factory.py:docstring of core.list_of_elements.factory, line 23.)


Maybe gather some things with the subset?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/list_of_elements/factory.py:docstring of core.list_of_elements.factory.ListOfElementsFactory.from_existing_list, line 7.)


Filtering consistency.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/list_of_elements/helper.py:docstring of core.list_of_elements.helper, line 3.)


Delete dat_content, which does the same thing as elts_n_cmds but less good

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/list_of_elements/list_of_elements.py:docstring of core.list_of_elements.list_of_elements, line 9.)


Check if it can be more efficient. Maybe store R_xx, R_yy, R_zz separately?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/transfer_matrix/transfer_matrix.py:docstring of core.transfer_matrix.transfer_matrix, line 3.)


Maybe transfer matrices should always be (6, 6)??

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/transfer_matrix/transfer_matrix.py:docstring of core.transfer_matrix.transfer_matrix, line 6.)


_init_from methods in factory???

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/transfer_matrix/transfer_matrix.py:docstring of core.transfer_matrix.transfer_matrix, line 9.)


The SimulationOutput.get method with transfer matrix components fails with TraceWin solver.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/core/transfer_matrix/transfer_matrix.py:docstring of core.transfer_matrix.transfer_matrix, line 12.)


maybe create a mother class more generic, also for FaultScenarioEvaluator?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/evaluator/simulation_output/factory.py:docstring of evaluator.simulation_output.factory, line 3.)


different factories for evaluation during the fit and evaluation after

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/evaluator/simulation_output/simulation_output_evaluator.py:docstring of evaluator.simulation_output.simulation_output_evaluator, line 7.)


Maybe should inherit from a more generic factory.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/experimental/new_evaluator/simulation_output/factory.py:docstring of experimental.new_evaluator.simulation_output.factory, line 3.)


Remove the elts argument??

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/experimental/plotter/i_plotter.py:docstring of experimental.plotter.i_plotter, line 3.)


Maybe should inherit from MatplotlibPlotter?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/experimental/plotter/pd_plotter.py:docstring of experimental.plotter.pd_plotter, line 3.)


not clear what happens here. separate __init__ in several functions

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/failures/fault.py:docstring of failures.fault, line 5.)


store DesignSpace as attribute rather than Variable Constraint compute_constraints

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/failures/fault.py:docstring of failures.fault, line 8.)


Could be cleaner.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/failures/fault_scenario.py:docstring of failures.fault_scenario.FaultScenario.__init__, line 3.)


make this more readable

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/failures/fault_scenario.py:docstring of failures.fault_scenario.FaultScenario.fix_all, line 3.)


I should create a SetOfCavitySettings with CavitySettings for every cavity of the compensation zone. Mandatory to recompute the synchronous phases.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/failures/set_of_cavity_settings.py:docstring of failures.set_of_cavity_settings, line 3.)


Should create the full SetOfCavitySettings directly from the OptimisationAlgorithm. For now, the OptimisationAlgorithm creates a first SetOfCavitySettings. Then, the BeamCalculator calls this method to generate a new SetOfCavitySettings. Ugly, especially given the fact that OptimisationAlgorithm has its ListOfElements.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/failures/set_of_cavity_settings.py:docstring of failures.set_of_cavity_settings.SetOfCavitySettings.from_incomplete_set, line 14.)


List of allowed tracewin arguments in doc

(The original entry is located in source/manual/configuration.beam_calculator.rst, line 32.)


There are doublons between doc in config.beam_calculator and here. Maybe keep in module, but make the format better.

(The original entry is located in source/manual/configuration.beam_calculator.rst, line 35.)


List of allowed tracewin arguments in doc

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/docs/source/manual/configuration.beam_calculator.rst, line 32.)


There are doublons between doc in config.beam_calculator and here. Maybe keep in module, but make the format better.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/docs/source/manual/configuration.beam_calculator.rst, line 35.)


A Jupyter Notebook would be better to show with examples.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/docs/source/manual/get_method.rst, line 6.)


Consider providing more detailed instructions for setting the PYTHONPATH. For now, you can search for “PYTHONPATH” or “ModuleNotFoundError” online for additional guidance.

(The original entry is located in source/manual/installation.python.rst, line 89.)


  • Revise integration so that a missing Cython does not lead to import errors.

  • Specific Cython tests

(The original entry is located in source/manual/installation.cython.rst, line 88.)


  • Revise integration so that a missing Cython does not lead to import errors.

  • Specific Cython tests

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/docs/source/manual/installation.cython.rst, line 88.)


Consider providing more detailed instructions for setting the PYTHONPATH. For now, you can search for “PYTHONPATH” or “ModuleNotFoundError” online for additional guidance.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/docs/source/manual/installation.python.rst, line 89.)


Consistency between font size of normal text and math text. Not aesthetic when I have text and units side to side.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/docs/source/manual/units.rst, line 8.)


General units: MeV etc

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/docs/source/manual/units.rst, line 11.)


Ease re-usage of old simulations. Very easy to implement, just use the recompute flag, override the run_with_this method, and user must provide a results directory.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/docs/source/manual/usage.rst, line 7.)


Check if it is necessary to pass out the whole elts to OptimisationAlgorithm?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/algorithms/algorithm.py:docstring of optimisation.algorithms.algorithm, line 9.)


Methods and flags to keep the optimisation history or not, and also to save it or not. See Explorator.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/algorithms/algorithm.py:docstring of optimisation.algorithms.algorithm, line 13.)


Better handling of the attribute folder. In particular, a correct value should be set at the OptimisationAlgorithm instanciation.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/algorithms/algorithm.py:docstring of optimisation.algorithms.algorithm, line 17.)


Make this class more robust. In particular: save all objectives (not just the norm), handle export when there is more than two variables, also save complementary data (e.g.: always save phi_s even it is not in the constraints nor variables).

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/algorithms/explorator.py:docstring of optimisation.algorithms.explorator, line 7.)


Allow for different number of points according to variable.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/algorithms/explorator.py:docstring of optimisation.algorithms.explorator, line 13.)



(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/algorithms/factory.py:docstring of optimisation.algorithms.factory, line 3.)


Add support for when all element do not have the same variables/constraints.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/design_space/design_space.py:docstring of optimisation.design_space.design_space._from_file, line 3.)


check docstrings ref [1]

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/design_space/helper.py:docstring of optimisation.design_space.helper, line 3.)


decorator to auto output the variables and constraints?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/objective/factory.py:docstring of optimisation.objective.factory, line 6.)


Clarify that objective_position_preset should be understandable by failures.position.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/objective/factory.py:docstring of optimisation.objective.factory, line 9.)


Allow from_file.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/objective/factory.py:docstring of optimisation.objective.factory.EnergySyncPhaseMismatch._get_phi_s, line 3.)


end_section, elt.name

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/objective/position.py:docstring of optimisation.objective.position, line 11.)


full_linac seems useless. Could be a strategy instead of an override setting. Would need to edit the ObjectiveFactory too.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/objective/position.py:docstring of optimisation.objective.position, line 14.)


Implement loss functions.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/optimisation/objective/quantity_is_between.py:docstring of optimisation.objective.quantity_is_between, line 3.)


Insert line skip at each section change in the output.dat

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/tracewin_utils/dat_files.py:docstring of tracewin_utils.dat_files, line 3.)


some functions are not used anymore I guess…

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/tracewin_utils/electromagnetic_fields.py:docstring of tracewin_utils.electromagnetic_fields, line 6.)


Better handling of the module import

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/tracewin_utils/electromagnetic_fields.py:docstring of tracewin_utils.electromagnetic_fields, line 9.)


I think that this should be a method right? Different FieldMap objects -> different loading func?

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/tracewin_utils/electromagnetic_fields.py:docstring of tracewin_utils.electromagnetic_fields.load_electromagnetic_fields, line 6.)


Clean this, a lot of old things that may not be used.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/util/debug.py:docstring of util.debug, line 3.)


Ellipse plot could be better

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/util/debug.py:docstring of util.debug, line 6.)


Clean this, check what is still used.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/util/helper.py:docstring of util.helper, line 3.)


Second example does not work

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/util/helper.py:docstring of util.helper.pascal_case, line 3.)


Modernize this, with type hint etc.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/util/log_manager.py:docstring of util.log_manager, line 13.)


fix colors in plots after pass beauty

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/util/pass_beauty.py:docstring of util.pass_beauty, line 13.)


discriminate feasible from unfeasible solutions

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/visualization/anim.py:docstring of visualization.anim, line 3.)


better detection of what is a multiparticle simulation and what is not. Currently looking for “‘partran’: 0” in the name of the solver, making the assumption that multipart is the default. But it depends on the .ini… update: just use .is_a_multiparticle_simulation

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/visualization/plot.py:docstring of visualization.plot, line 6.)


Fix when there is only one accelerator to plot.

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/visualization/plot.py:docstring of visualization.plot, line 12.)


Different plot according to dimension of FieldMap, or according to if it accelerates or not (ex when quadrupole defined by a field map)

(The original entry is located in /home/placais/LightWin/source/visualization/plot.py:docstring of visualization.plot, line 15.)

Indices and tables