Utility scripts

LightWin includes several utility scripts located in the lightwin/scripts/ folder. They are scripts that I developed for my own usage, but did not directly belong to the LightWin library.

List of scripts

  • combine_solutions: This script merges the best compensation settings from various project folders. It is useful for testing different methods across multiple cavities and compiling the optimal settings in a single directory.

  • compute_lost_power_per_meter: Takes one or several patran1.out produced by TraceWin and compute the lost power per meter from the lost power in W.

  • compare_beam_calculators: Compares results from two different BeamCalculator classes, such as TraceWin and Envelope1D, to determine if the latter is sufficiently accurate for your needs.

  • generate_design_space_files: Generates variables.csv and constraints.csv files, which specify the limits and initial values for phase, synchronous phase, and amplitude for each cavity. This is particularly useful for customizing the design space, e.g. updating the maximum amplitude in a cavity producing field emission.

  • reorder_output_figures: Gathers figures produced by LightWin from the simulation folders into a single images directory for easier access and review.

  • save_cavity_settings: Provides examples for saving compensation settings in a specified format, which can be helpful for standardizing outputs across different projects.

Scripts without a CLI

Currently, the following scripts do not have a Command-Line Interface (CLI) and require manual editing before use:

  • compare_beam_calculators

  • generate_design_space_files

  • save_cavity_settings

To use these scripts, edit them according to your needs (it’s recommended to work on a copy to preserve the original) and run them in your Python interpreter. Future versions aim to provide CLI functionality for all scripts.

Scripts with a CLI

The following scripts are equipped with a CLI, allowing them to be executed directly from the command line:

  • combine_solutions

  • compute_lost_power_per_meter

  • reorder_output_figures

  1. View available options: Each script comes with its own set of options. To view them, use the --help flag:

    python /path/to/lightwin/scripts/my_script.py --help
  2. Execute the script: Run it with the desired arguments:

    python /path/to/lightwin/scripts/my_script.py --arg1 <val1> --arg2 <val2>
  3. Set execution permissions (if the script does not already have execution permission):

    • Unix (Linux/macOS): use the following command:

    chmod +x /path/to/the/script.py
    • Windows: Set the execution rights via the “Properties” menu of the script file.

    This allows you to run the script with ./my_script.py instead of python my_script.py.

  4. Adding Scripts to PATH: To run the scripts from any location on your system, add the /path/to/lightwin/scripts/ directory to your system PATH.