

Ease re-usage of old simulations. Very easy to implement, just use the recompute flag, override the run_with_this method, and user must provide a results directory.

General structure of the code

The highest-level object is an Accelerator. It is initialized thanks to a .dat file (the same format as TraceWin). Its main purpose is to store a ListOfElements, which is a list containing all the Elements of the .dat file.

The propagation of the beam through the accelerator is performed thanks to a BeamCalculator. As for now, three different BeamCalculators are implemented:

  • Envelope1D, which computes the propagation of the beam in envelope and in 1D (longitudinal).

  • Envelope3D, which computes the propagation of the beam in envelope and in 3D.

  • TraceWin, which simply calls TraceWin from the command-line interface.

All BeamCalculators have a method, which perform the beam dynamics calculation along the linac; it takes in a ListOfElements and returns a SimulationOutput. This last object contains all the useful information, such as kinetic energy along the linac.

Breaking and fixing a linac

The methods to break – and then fix – a linac are stored in the Fault objects, gathered in FaultScenario. A Fault is composed of one or several failed cavities that are fixed together. A FaultScenario is composed of one or several Fault happening at the same time.

The compensation is realized by an OptimisationAlgorithm. It will try to find the best Variables that match the Objectives while respecting the Constraints. Under the hood, it converts at each iteration the list of Variables into a SetOfCavitySettings. The latter is given as argument to the BeamCalculator.run_with_this() which gives a SimulationOutput from which the Objectives are evaluated.

Compatibility with TraceWin .dat files

LightWin uses the same format as TraceWin for the linac structure. As TraceWin developers implemented a significant number of elements and commands, those will be progressively implemented in LightWin too.

“Useless” commands and elements

Some instructions will raise a warning, even if they will not influence the results. As an example, if you use Envelope1D, transverse dynamics are not considered and the fact that transverse field maps are not implemented should not be a problem.

“Useful” commands and elements

You should clean the .dat to remove any command that influences the design of the linac. In particular: SET_ADV, SET_SYNC_PHASE, ADJUST commands. Warnings may not always appear, so be careful that Envelope1D or Envelope3D match with TraceWin. If you choose TraceWin solver for the optimization, both LightWin and TraceWin could modify the design of the linac at the same time, so unexpected side effects may appear.


Since 0.6.21, SET_SYNC_PHASE commands can be kept in the original .dat. The output .dat will contain relative or absolute phase, according to the corresponding BeamCalculator.reference_phase. In the future, it will be possible to export .dat with SET_SYNC_PHASE for all cavities, or to keep the phase definitions of the original .dat.

See also: ListOfElements.store_settings_in_dat() (the method which is actually called to create the .dat).

How to implement commands or elements

You can implement the desired elements and git push them, file an issue on GitHub or send me an email and I will try to add the desired element(s) as soon as possible.


See example.


Field maps file formats must be ascii, binary files to handled yet