beam_calculation.factory module

This module holds a factory to create the BeamCalculator.

class BeamCalculatorsFactory(beam_calculator: dict[str, Any], files: dict[str, Any], beam_calculator_post: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **other_kw: dict)

Bases: object

A class to create BeamCalculator objects.

__init__(beam_calculator: dict[str, Any], files: dict[str, Any], beam_calculator_post: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **other_kw: dict) None

Set up factory with arguments common to all BeamCalculator.

  • beam_calculator (dict[str, Any]) – Configuration entries for the first BeamCalculator, used for optimisation.

  • files (dict[str, Any]) – Configuration entries for the input/output paths.

  • beam_calculator_post (dict[str, Any] | None) – Configuration entries for the second optional BeamCalculator, used for a more thorough calculation of the beam propagation once the compensation settings are found.

  • other_kw (dict) – Other keyword arguments, not used for the moment.

_check_consistency_absolute_phases(beam_calculators: Sequence[BeamCalculator]) None

Check that flag_phi_abs is the same for all solvers.

_patch_to_remove_misunderstood_key() None

Patch to remove a key not understood by TraceWin. Declare id list.



_set_out_folders(all_beam_calculator_kw: Sequence[dict[str, Any]]) list[Path]

Set in which subfolder the results will be saved.

run(tool: str, **beam_calculator_kw) BeamCalculator

Create a single BeamCalculator.


beam_calculator_class (ABCMeta) – The specific beam calculator.

Return type:


run_all() tuple[BeamCalculator, ...]

Create all the beam calculators.

IMPLEMENTED_BEAM_CALCULATORS = {'Envelope1D': <class 'beam_calculation.envelope_1d.envelope_1d.Envelope1D'>, 'Envelope3D': <class 'beam_calculation.envelope_3d.envelope_3d.Envelope3D'>, 'TraceWin': <class 'beam_calculation.tracewin.tracewin.TraceWin'>}