config.design_space module

Define functions to test the optimisation problem design space config.


I do not like the fact that some design_space_kw values are defined twice… I could move the default values to the initialisation of the DesignSpace object maybe. Eventually, everything from this script will be moved to the object instantiation anyway.

_edit_configuration_dict_in_place_from_file(config_folder: Path, design_space_kw: dict[str, Any]) None

Edit some keys for later.

_edit_configuration_dict_in_place_not_from_file(design_space_kw: dict[str, Any]) None

Edit some keys for later.

_test_from_file(config_folder: Path, variables_filepath: Path | str, constraints_filepath: Path | str | None = None, **design_space_kw: str | float | bool | int | list) None

Test the entries to initialize the design space from files.

_test_not_from_file(max_increase_sync_phase_in_percent: float, max_decrease_k_e_in_percent: float, max_increase_k_e_in_percent: float, max_absolute_sync_phase_in_deg: float = 0.0, min_absolute_sync_phase_in_deg: float = -90.0, maximum_k_e_is_calculated_wrt_maximum_k_e_of_section: bool = False, **design_space_kw: str | float | bool | int | list) None

Test the configuration entries when design space calculated.

edit_configuration_dict_in_place(design_space_kw: dict[str, Any], config_folder: Path, **kwargs) None

Edit some keys for later.

test(from_file: bool, design_space_preset: str, config_folder: Path, **design_space_kw: str | float | bool | int | list) None

Ensure that optimisation algorithm will initalize properly.