evaluator.testers module

Regroup the functions dedicated to testing data.

They are used by :class:`.SimulationOutputEvaluator’. They all take a value and limits/upper or lower or objective value as arguments, and return a boolean.

value_is(treated_value: ndarray | float, objective_value: ndarray | float, tol: float = 1e-10, **kwargs: bool) bool

Test if the value equals ``objective_value`.

value_is_above(treated_value: ndarray | float, lower_limit: ndarray | float, **kwargs: bool) bool

Test if the given value is above a threshold.

value_is_below(treated_value: ndarray | float, upper_limit: ndarray | float, **kwargs: bool) bool

Test if the given value is below a threshold.

value_is_within_limits(treated_value: ndarray | float, limits: tuple[ndarray | float, ndarray | float], **kwargs: bool) bool

Test if the given value is within the given limits.