optimisation.design_space.design_space module

Define an object to hold variables and constraints.

class DesignSpace(variables: list[Variable], constraints: list[Constraint])

Bases: object

Hold variables and constraints of an optimisation problem.

__init__(variables: list[Variable], constraints: list[Constraint]) None
__post_init__() None

Print out some info.

_check_dimensions(parameters: list[Variable] | list[Constraint]) int

Ensure that all elements have the same number of var or const.

_parameters_to_single_file_line(element_name: str, parameters: list[DesignSpaceParameter]) dict[str, float | None | tuple[float, float]]

Prepare a dict containing all info of a single element.

  • element_name (str) – Name of the element, which will be inserted in the output dict.

  • parameters (list[DesignSpaceParameter]) – Parameters concerning the element, which limits (x_0 if appliable) will be inserted in the dict.


Contains all Variable or Constraint information of the element.

Return type:

dict[str, float | None | tuple[float, float]]

_str_constraints() list[str]

Generate information on the constraints that were created.

_str_variables() list[str]

Generate information on the variables that were created.

_to_file(parameters: list[DesignSpaceParameter], filepath: Path, delimiter: str = ',', **to_csv_kw: Any) None

Save all the design space parameters in a compact file.

  • parameters (list[DesignSpaceParameter]) – All the defined parameters.

  • filepath (Path) – Where file will be stored.

  • delimiter (str) – Delimiter between two columns. The default is ‘,’.

  • to_csv_kw (dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments given to the pandas to_csv method.

compute_constraints(simulation_output: SimulationOutput) ndarray

Compute constraint violation for simulation_output.

constraints: list[Constraint]
classmethod from_files(elements_names: Sequence[str], filepath_variables: Path, variables_names: Sequence[str], filepath_constraints: Path | None = None, constraints_names: Sequence[str] | None = None, delimiter: str = ',') Self

Generate design space from files.

  • elements_names (Sequence[str]) – Name of the elements with variables and constraints.

  • filepath_variables (Path) – Path to the variables.csv file.

  • variables_names (Sequence[str]) – Name of the variables to create.

  • filepath_constraints (Path | None, optional) – Path to the constraints.csv file. The default is None, in which case no constraint is created.

  • constraints_names (Sequence[str] | None, optional) – Name of the constraints to create. The default is None, in which case no constraint is created.

  • delimiter (str, optional) – Delimiter in the files. The default is a commma.

Return type:


to_files(basepath: Path, variables_filename: Path = PosixPath('variables'), constraints_filename: Path = PosixPath('constraints'), overwrite: bool = False, **to_csv_kw: Any) None

Save variables and constraints in files.

  • basepath (Path) – Folder where the files will be stored.

  • variables_filename (Path) – Name of the output files without extension.

  • constraints_filename (Path) – Name of the output files without extension.

  • overwrite (bool, optional) – To overwrite an existing file with the same name or not. The default is False.

  • to_csv_kw (dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments given to the pandas to_csv method.

to_pandas_dataframe() DataFrame

Convert list of variables to a pandas dataframe.

variables: list[Variable]
_from_file(parameter_class: type[Variable], filepath: Path, elements_names: Sequence[str], parameters_names: Sequence[str], delimiter: str = ',') list[Variable]
_from_file(parameter_class: type[Constraint], filepath: Path, elements_names: Sequence[str], parameters_names: Sequence[str], delimiter: str = ',') list[Constraint]

Generate list of variables or constraints from a given .csv.


Add support for when all element do not have the same variables/constraints.

  • parameter_class ({type[Variable], type[Constraint]}) – Object which from_pd_series method will be called.

  • filepath (Path) – Path to the .csv.

  • elements_names (Sequence[str]) – Name of the elements.

  • parameters_names (Sequence[str]) – Name of the parameters.

  • delimiter (str) – Delimiter in the .csv.


List of variables or constraints.

Return type:


_gather_dicts_by_key(parameters: list[DesignSpaceParameter], key: str) dict[str, list[DesignSpaceParameter]]

Gather parameters with the same key attribute value in lists.

  • parameters (list[DesignSpaceParameter]) – Objects to study.

  • key (str) – Name of the attribute against which parameters should be gathered.


Keys are all existing values of attribute key from parameters. Values are lists of DesignSpaceParameter with key attribute equaling the dict key.

Return type:

dict[Any, list[DesignSpaceParameter]]

_merge(dicts: list[dict]) dict

Merge a list of dicts in a single dict.

_parameters_to_dict(parameters: list[DesignSpaceParameter], to_get: Sequence[str]) list[dict]

Convert several design space parameters to dict.

We use the prepend_parameter_name argument to prepend the name of each parameter.name to the name of the values to_get. This way, we avoid dictionaries sharing the same keys in the output list.

  • parameters (list[DesignSpaceParameter]) – Where to_get will be looked for.

  • to_get (Sequence[str]) – Values to get.


Contains to_get values in dictionaries for every parameter.

Return type:
