optimisation.objective.objective module

Define a class to hold optimisation objective with its ideal value.

class Objective(name: str, weight: float, descriptor: str | None = None, ideal_value: tuple[float] | float | None = None)

Bases: ABC

Hold an objective and methods to evaluate it.

  • name (str) – A short string to describe the objective and access to it.

  • weight (float) – A scaling constant to set the weight of current objective.

  • descriptor (str | None, optional) – A longer string to explain the objective. The default is None.

  • ideal_value (float | tuple[float], optional) – The ideal value or range of values that we should tend to.

__init__(name: str, weight: float, descriptor: str | None = None, ideal_value: tuple[float] | float | None = None) None
__post_init__() None

Avoid line jumps in the descriptor.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
abstract current_value(simulation_output: SimulationOutput | float) str

Give value of current objective and residue.

static current_value_header() str

Give a header to explain what current_value() returns.

descriptor: str | None = None
abstract evaluate(simulation_output: SimulationOutput | float) float

Compute residue of this objective.


simulation_output (SimulationOutput | float) – Object containing simulation results of the broken linac.


residue – Difference between current evaluation and ideal_value value for self.name, scaled by self.weight.

Return type:


ideal_value: tuple[float] | float | None = None
name: str
static str_header() str

Give a header to explain what __str__() returns.

weight: float