core.accelerator.accelerator module

Define Accelerator, the highest-level class of LightWin.

It holds, well… an accelerator. This accelerator has a ListOfElements. For each BeamCalculator defined, it has a SimulationOutput. Additionally, it has a ParticleInitialState, which describes energy, phase, etc of the beam at the entry of its ListOfElements.


Compute_transfer_matrices: simplify, add a calculation of missing phi_0 at the end


Cleaner Accelerator factory (use class, not just a function).

class Accelerator(name: str, dat_file: Path, accelerator_path: Path, list_of_elements_factory: ListOfElementsFactory)

Bases: object

Class holding a ListOfElements.

__init__(name: str, dat_file: Path, accelerator_path: Path, list_of_elements_factory: ListOfElementsFactory) None

Create object.

  • name (str) – Name of the accelerator, used in plots.

  • dat_file (Path) – Absolute path to the linac .dat file.

  • accelerator_path (Path) – Absolute path where results for each BeamCalculator will be stored.

  • list_of_elements_factory (ListOfElementsFactory) – A factory to create the list of elements.

_create_special_getters() dict

Create a dict of aliases that can be accessed w/ the get method.

elt_at_this_s_idx(s_idx: int, show_info: bool = False) Element | None

Give the element where the given index is.

equivalent_elt(elt: Element | str) Element

Return element from self.elts with the same name as elt.

classmethod from_pickle(pickler: MyPickler, path: Path | str) Self

Instantiate object from previously pickled file.

get(*keys: str, to_numpy: bool = True, none_to_nan: bool = False, elt: str | Element | None = None, **kwargs: bool | str) Any

Shorthand to get attributes from this class or its attributes.

  • *keys (str) – Name of the desired attributes.

  • to_numpy (bool, optional) – If you want the list output to be converted to a np.ndarray. The default is True.

  • none_to_nan (bool, optional) – To convert None to np.nan. The default is False.

  • elt (str | Element | None, optional) – If provided, and if the desired keys are in SimulationOutput, the attributes will be given over the Element only. You can provide an Element name, such as QP1. If the given Element is not in the Accelerator.ListOfElements, the Element with the same name that is present in this list will be used.

  • **kwargs (bool | str) – Other arguments passed to recursive getter.


out – Attribute(s) value(s).

Return type:


has(key: str) bool

Tell if the required attribute is in this class.

keep_settings(simulation_output: SimulationOutput, output_phase: str) None

Save cavity parameters in Elements and new .dat file.


Should I reset the sync particle entry phase?

keep_simulation_output(simulation_output: SimulationOutput, beam_calculator_id: str) None

Save SimulationOutput. Store info on current Accelerator in it.

In particular, we want to save a results path in the SimulationOutput so we can study it and save Figures/study results in the proper folder.

property l_cav

Shortcut to easily get list of cavities.

pickle(pickler: MyPickler, path: Path | str | None = None) Path

Pickle (save) the object.

This is useful for debug and temporary saves; do not use it for long time saving.