core.instructions_factory module

Define methods to easily create Command or Element.


Instantiate this in BeamCalculator. It could be initialized with the load_electromagnetic_files flag (False for TraceWin), the list of implemented elements/commands (ex Envelope3D, not everything is set).


maybe ElementFactory and CommandFactory should be instantiated from this? Or from another class, but they do have a lot in common


for now, forcing loading of cython field maps

class InstructionsFactory(freq_bunch_mhz: float, default_field_map_folder: Path, load_field_maps: bool, field_maps_in_3d: bool, load_cython_field_maps: bool, elements_to_dump: ABCMeta | tuple[ABCMeta, ...] = (), **factory_kw: Any)

Bases: object

Define a factory class to easily create commands and elements.

__init__(freq_bunch_mhz: float, default_field_map_folder: Path, load_field_maps: bool, field_maps_in_3d: bool, load_cython_field_maps: bool, elements_to_dump: ABCMeta | tuple[ABCMeta, ...] = (), **factory_kw: Any) None

Instantiate the command and element factories.

  • freq_bunch_mhz (float) – Beam bunch frequency in MHz.

  • default_field_map_folder (Path) – Where to look for field maps when no FIELD_MAP_PATH is precised. This is also the folder where the .dat is.

  • load_field_maps (bool) – To load or not the field maps (useless to do it with TraceWin).

  • field_maps_in_3d (bool) – To load or not the field maps in 3D (useful only with Envelope3D… Except that this is not supported yet, so it is never useful.

  • load_cython_field_maps (bool) – To load or not the field maps for Cython (useful only with Envelope1D and Envelope3D used with Cython).

  • elements_to_dump (ABCMeta | tuple[ABCMeta, ...], optional) – Class of Elements that you want to remove. If you want to skip an Element because it is not implemented, prefer assigning it to a DummyElement. The default is an empty tuple.

  • factory_kw (Any) – Other parameters passed to the CommandFactory and ElementFactory.

_call_proper_factory(line: list[str], dat_idx: int, **instruction_kw: str) Instruction

Create proper Instruction, or Dummy.

We go across every word of line, and create the first instruction that we find. If we do not recognize it, we return a dummy instruction instead.

  • line (list[str]) – A single line of the .dat file.

  • dat_idx (int) – Line number of the line (starts at 0).

  • command_fac (CommandFactory) – A factory to create Command.

  • element_fac (ElementFactory) – A factory to create Element.

  • instruction_kw (dict) – Keywords given to the run method of the proper factory.


Proper Command or Element, or Dummy, or Comment.

Return type:


_check_every_elt_has_lattice_and_section(elts: list[Element]) None

Check that every element has a lattice and section index.

_check_last_lattice_of_every_lattice_is_complete(elts: Sequence[Element]) None

Check that last lattice of every section is complete.

_filter_out_elements_to_dump(elts: list[Element]) None

Remove the desired elements.

_handle_lattice_and_section(elts: list[Element]) None

Ensure that every element has proper lattice, section indexes.

run(dat_content: Collection[list[str]]) list[Instruction]

Create all the elements and commands.


Check if the return value from apply_commands is necessary.


dat_content (Collection[list[str]]) – List containing all the lines of dat_filepath.