core.commands.superpose_map module

Define a useless command to serve as place holder.

class SuperposeMap(line: list[str], dat_idx: int, **kwargs: str)

Bases: Command

Command to merge several field maps.


Position at which the next field map should be inserted.



__init__(line: list[str], dat_idx: int, **kwargs: str) None

Save position as attribute.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_decrement_lattice_indexes(elts_after_self: Sequence[Element], number_of_superposed: int) None

Decrement some lattice numbers to take removed elts into account.


Check if this still works, as lattice and idx_in_lattice are now initialized with -1 instead of None.

_total_length(instructions_to_merge: list[Instruction]) float

Compute length of the superposed field maps.

_update_class(instructions_to_merge: list[Instruction], total_length: float) tuple[list[Instruction], int]

Replace elements and commands by dummies, except first field map.

apply(instructions: list[Instruction], **kwargs: float) list[Instruction]

Apply the command.

Only the first SuperposeMap of a bunch of field maps should be applied. In order to avoid messing with indexes in the .dat file, all Commands are replaced by dummy commands. All field maps are replaced by dummy elements of length 0, except the first field_map that is replaced by a SuperposedFieldMap.

is_implemented: bool = True
n_attributes: int | range | Collection = (1, 6)
set_influenced_elements(instructions: list[Instruction], **kwargs: float) None

Determine the index of the elements concerned by apply().

It spans from the current SUPERPOSE_MAP command, up to the next element that is not a field map. It allows to consider situations where we field_map is not directly after the SUPERPOSE_MAP command.



Only the first of the SUPERPOSE_MAP command will have the entire valid range of elements.