beam_calculation.envelope_3d.envelope_3d module

Define Envelope3D, an envelope solver.

class Envelope3D(*, flag_phi_abs: bool, n_steps_per_cell: int, out_folder: Path | str, default_field_map_folder: Path | str, flag_cython: bool = False, method: Literal['RK4'] = 'RK4', phi_s_definition: Literal['historical'] = 'historical')

Bases: BeamCalculator

A 3D envelope solver.

__init__(*, flag_phi_abs: bool, n_steps_per_cell: int, out_folder: Path | str, default_field_map_folder: Path | str, flag_cython: bool = False, method: Literal['RK4'] = 'RK4', phi_s_definition: Literal['historical'] = 'historical') None

Set the proper motion integration function, according to inputs.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_adapt_cavity_settings(field_map: FieldMap, cavity_settings: CavitySettings, phi_bunch_abs: float, w_kin_in: float) dict[str, Callable | int | float]

Format the given CavitySettings for current solver.

For the transfer matrix function of Envelope3D, we need a dictionary.


Maybe Envelope3D could inherit from Envelope1D and this method would be written outnonly once.

_compute_cavity_parameters(results: dict) tuple[float, float]

Compute the cavity parameters by calling _phi_s_func().


results – The dictionary of results as returned by the transfer matrix function wrapper.


Accelerating voltage in MV and synchronous phase in radians. If the cavity is failed, two np.nan are returned.

Return type:

tuple[float, float]

_set_up_specific_factories() None

Set up the factories specific to the BeamCalculator.

This method is called in the super().__post_init__(), hence it appears only in the base BeamCalculator.

init_solver_parameters(accelerator: Accelerator) None

Create the number of steps, meshing, transfer functions for elts.

The solver parameters are stored in Element.beam_calc_param.


accelerator (Accelerator) – Object which ListOfElements must be initialized.

property is_a_3d_simulation: bool

Return True.

property is_a_multiparticle_simulation: bool

Return False.

post_optimisation_run_with_this(optimized_cavity_settings: SetOfCavitySettings, full_elts: ListOfElements, **specific_kwargs) SimulationOutput

Run Envelope3D with optimized cavity settings.

With this solver, we have nothing to do, nothing to update. Just call the regular run_with_this method.

run(elts: ListOfElements, update_reference_phase: bool = False, **kwargs) SimulationOutput

Compute beam propagation in 3D, envelope calculation.

  • elts (ListOfElements) – List of elements in which the beam must be propagated.

  • update_reference_phase (bool, optional) – To change the reference phase of cavities when it is different from the one asked in the .toml. To use after the first calculation, if BeamCalculator.flag_phi_abs does not correspond to CavitySettings.reference. The default is False.


simulation_output – Holds energy, phase, transfer matrices (among others) packed into a single object.

Return type:


run_with_this(set_of_cavity_settings: SetOfCavitySettings | None, elts: ListOfElements, use_a_copy_for_nominal_settings: bool = True) SimulationOutput

Compute beam propagation with non-nominal settings.

  • set_of_cavity_settings (SetOfCavitySettings | None) – The new cavity settings to try. If it is None, then the cavity settings are taken from the FieldMap objects.

  • elts (ListOfElements) – List of elements in which the beam must be propagated.

  • use_a_copy_for_nominal_settings (bool, optional) – To copy the nominal CavitySettings and avoid altering their nominal counterpart. Set it to True during optimisation, to False when you want to keep the current settings. The default is True.


simulation_output – Holds energy, phase, transfer matrices (among others) packed into a single object.

Return type:
