experimental.plotter.matplotlib_helper module

Create helper functions specific to matplotlib-based plotters.

_plot_aperture(aperture: Aperture, x_0: float, width: float) Rectangle

Add a thin line to show an aperture.

_plot_bend(bend: Bend, x_0: float, width: float) Rectangle

Add a greyed rectangle to show a bend.

_plot_drift(drift: Drift, x_0: float, width: float) Rectangle

Add a little rectangle to show a drift.

_plot_edge(edge: Edge, x_0: float, width: float) Rectangle

Add a thin line to show an edge.

_plot_field_map(field_map: FieldMap, x_0: float, width: float) Ellipse

Add an ellipse to show a field_map.

_plot_quad(quad: Quad, x_0: float, width: float) Polygon

Add a crossed large rectangle to show a quad.

clean_axes(axlist: Sequence[Axes]) None

Clean given axis.

clean_figure(fignumlist: Sequence[int]) None

Clean axis of Figs in fignumlist.

create_fig_if_not_exists(axnum: int | Sequence[int], title: str = '', sharex: bool = False, num: int = 1, clean_fig: bool = False, **kwargs: bool | str | int) list[Axes]

Check if figures were already created, create it if not.

  • axnum (int | Sequence[int]) – Axes indexes as understood by fig.add_subplot or number of desired axes.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the figure. The default is an empty string. It will not override a pre-existing title.

  • sharex (boolean, optional) – If x axis should be shared. The default is False.

  • num (int, optional) – Fig number. The default is 1.

  • clean_fig (bool, optional) – If the previous plot should be erased from Figure. The default is False.

plot_section(axes: Axes, elts: ListOfElements, x_axis: str = 'z_abs') None

Add light grey rectangles behind the plot to show the sections.

plot_structure(axes: Axes, elts: ListOfElements, x_axis: str = 'z_abs') None

Plot structure of the linac under study.