core.elements.field_maps.field_map module



Handle the different kind of field_maps…


Handle the SET_SYNCH_PHASE command


Hande phi_s fitting with beam_calculation.tracewin.Tracewin


when subclassing field_maps, do not forget to update the transfer matrix selector in: - Envelope3D - SingleElementEnvelope3DParameters - SetOfCavitySettings - the run_with_this methods

class FieldMap(line: list[str], dat_idx: int, default_field_map_folder: Path, cavity_settings: CavitySettings, name: str | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: Element

A generic FIELD_MAP.

__init__(line: list[str], dat_idx: int, default_field_map_folder: Path, cavity_settings: CavitySettings, name: str | None = None, **kwargs) None

Set most of attributes defined in TraceWin.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
property _indexes_in_line: dict[str, int]

Give the position of the arguments in the ``FIELD_MAP ``command.

_phase_for_line(which_phase: str) tuple[float, int]

Give the phase to put in .dat line, with abs phase flag.

base_name = 'FM'
property can_be_retuned: bool

Tell if we can modify the element’s tuning.

get(*keys: str, to_numpy: bool = True, none_to_nan: bool = False, **kwargs: bool | str | None) Any

Shorthand to get attributes from this class or its attributes.

  • *keys (str) – Name of the desired attributes.

  • to_numpy (bool, optional) – If you want the list output to be converted to a np.ndarray. The default is True.

  • **kwargs (bool | str | None) – Other arguments passed to recursive getter.


out – Attribute(s) value(s).

Return type:


property is_accelerating: bool

Tell if the cavity is working.

keep_cavity_settings(cavity_settings: CavitySettings) None

Keep the cavity settings that were found.

n_attributes: int | range | Collection = 10
set_full_path(extensions: dict[str, list[str]]) None

Set absolute paths with extensions of electromagnetic files.


extensions (dict[str, list[str]]) – Keys are nature of the field, values are a list of extensions corresponding to it without a period.

See also


property status: str

Give the status from the CavitySettings.

to_line(which_phase: str = 'phi_0_rel', *args, inplace: bool = False, **kwargs) list[str]

Convert the object back into a line in the .dat file.

  • which_phase ({'phi_0_abs', 'phi_0_rel', 'phi_s', 'as_in_settings',) – ‘as_in_original_dat’} Which phase should be putted in the output .dat.

  • inplace (bool, optional) – To modify or not the Element inplace. If False, we return a modified copy. The default is False.


The line in the .dat, with updated amplitude and phase from current object.

Return type:


update_status(new_status: str) None

Change the status of the cavity.

We use ElementBeamCalculatorParameters.re_set_for_broken_cavity() method. If k_e, phi_s, v_cav_mv are altered, this is performed in CavitySettings.status() setter.

IMPLEMENTED_STATUS = ('nominal', 'rephased (in progress)', 'rephased (ok)', 'failed', 'compensate (in progress)', 'compensate (ok)', 'compensate (not ok)')