

To test your installation, navigate to the base directory (where the pyproject.toml file is located) and run the following command:


If TraceWin is not installed, you can skip tests requiring it by running:

pytest -m not tracewin

If Cython is not installed or Cython modules not compiled, you can skip corresponding tests with:

pytest -m not cython

You can also combine test markers as defined in pyproject.toml. For example, to run only fast smoke tests, use:

pytest -m "(smoke and not slow)"

Frequent errors

  • E   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'beam_calculation'.

  • Your PYTHONPATH is not properly set. Ensure that the directory containing the LightWin source code is included in your PYTHONPATH.

  • xfailed errors.

  • xfailed stands for “expected to fail” and these errors are usually intended for developers to track issues. They are not necessarily problematic for users.