TraceWin (facultative)

Pre-requisite: TraceWin must be installed on your computer or server, and you must have a valid license.

Configuring the machine_configuration.toml file

To specify the location of the TraceWin installation, you need to create machine_configuration.toml file. This file should include entries like the following:

noX11_full = "/usr/local/bin/TraceWin/./TraceWin_noX11"
noX11_minimal = "/home/placais/TraceWin/exe/./tracelx64"
no_run = ""
X11_full = "/usr/bin/local/bin/TraceWin/./TraceWin"

X11_full = "D:/tw/TraceWin.exe"
noX11_full = "D:/tw/TraceWin.exe"

X11_full = "D:/tw/TraceWin_old.exe"
noX11_full = "D:/tw/TraceWin_old.exe"

Replace the bracketed names with your machine’s name. If you’re unsure of your machine’s name, use the following Python code to find it:

import socket
machine_name = socket.gethostname()
print(f"Entry in the machine_configuration.toml file should be:\n[{machine_name}]")

Linking with the lightwin.toml main configuration file

After setting up machine_configuration.toml, you need to link it with the lightwin.toml file. Include the following configuration:

# Can be relative to `lightwin.toml`, or absolute:
machine_config_file = "/path/to/machine_configuration.toml"
# The corresponding path must be defined in `machine_configuration.toml`
simulation_type = "X11_full"
# Optional: override the actual machine name if provided:
machine_name = "a_name_to_override_default_machine_name"
# Note that additional entries will be required

See dedicated documentation for lightwin.toml.