util.synchronous_phases module

Define various functions to compute the synchronous phase.

SYNCHRONOUS_PHASE_FUNCTIONS = {'historical': <function phi_s_legacy>, 'lagniel': <function phi_s_lagniel>, 'legacy': <function phi_s_legacy>, 'tracewin': <function phi_s_from_tracewin_file>}
phi_s_from_tracewin_file(simulation_output: object, *args, **kwargs) tuple[float, float]

Get the synchronous phase from a TraceWin output file.

It is up to you to edit the tracewin.ini file in order to have the synchronous phase that you want.

phi_s_lagniel(simulation_output: object, *args, **kwargs) tuple[float, float]

Compute cavity parameters with phi_s model proposed by JM Lagniel.

See Longitudinal beam dynamics at high accelerating fields, what changes? ROSCOFF 2021.

  • transf_mat_21 (float) – (2, 1) component of the field map transfer matrix.

  • delta_w_kin (float) – Energy gained by the synchronous particle in the cavity.


phi_s – Corrected synchronous phase of the cavity.

Return type:


phi_s_legacy(integrated_field: complex | None, *args, **kwargs) tuple[float, float]

Compute the cavity parameters with phi_s historical definition.


integrated_field (complex | None) – Complex electric field felt by the synchronous particle. It is None if the cavity is failed.


  • v_cav_mv (float) – Accelerating voltage in MV. It is np.nan if integrated_field is None.

  • phi_s (float) – Synchronous phase of the cavity in rad. It is np.nan if integrated_field is None.