util.debug module

Define various functions.


Clean this, a lot of old things that may not be used.


Ellipse plot could be better

_create_output_fit_dicts() dict[str, dict]
compute_error_transfer_matrix(t_m: ndarray, t_m_ref: ndarray, output: bool = False) tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

Compute and output error between transfer matrix and ref.

load_phase_space(accelerator: Accelerator) list[ndarray]

Load Partran phase-space data.

Phase-space files are obtained with:

Input data & Beam: Partran Phase spaces or beam distributions: Output at element n Then save all particle as ASCII.

output_cavities(linac: Accelerator, out: bool = False) DataFrame

Output relatable parameters of cavities in list_of_cav.

output_fit(fault_scenario, out_detail=False, out_compact=True)

Output relatable parameters of fit.

output_fit_progress(count, obj, l_label, final=False)

Output the evolution of the objectives.