beam_calculation.parameters.element_parameters module

Define a base class for ElementBeamCalculatorParameters.

It is an attribute of an Element, and holds parameters that depend on both the Element under study and the BeamCalculator solver that is used.

Currently, it is used by Envelope1D only, as TraceWin handles it itself.

class ElementBeamCalculatorParameters

Bases: ABC

Parent class to hold solving parameters. Attribute of Element.

Used by Envelope1D and Envelope3D.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
get(*keys: str, to_numpy: bool = True, **kwargs: dict) Any

Shorthand to get attributes.

has(key: str) bool

Tell if the required attribute is in this class.

abstract re_set_for_broken_cavity() None

Update solver after a cavity is broken.