core.beam_parameters.factory module

Define a factory for the BeamParameters.

class BeamParametersFactory(is_3d: bool, is_multipart: bool)

Bases: ABC

Declare factory method, that returns the BeamParameters.

Subclassed by every BeamCalculator.

__init__(is_3d: bool, is_multipart: bool) None

Initialize the class.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_check_and_set_arrays(z_abs: ndarray | float, gamma_kin: ndarray | float) tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]

Ensure that inputs are arrays with proper shape, compute beta.

_check_sigma_in(sigma_in: ndarray) ndarray

Change shape of sigma_in if necessary.

_determine_phase_spaces(is_3d: bool, is_multipart: bool) tuple[str, ...]
_set_from_other_phase_space(beam_parameters: BeamParameters, other_phase_space_name: str, phase_space_names: Sequence[str], gamma_kin: ndarray, beta_kin: ndarray) None

Instantiate a phase space from another one.

  • beam_parameters (BeamParameters) – Object holding the beam parameters in different phase spaces.

  • other_phase_space_name ({'zdelta'}) – Name of the phase space from which the new phase space will be initialized.

  • phase_space_names (Sequence[{'phiw', 'z'}]) – Name of the phase spaces that will be created.

  • gamma_kin (np.ndarray) – Lorentz gamma factor.

  • beta_kin (np.ndarray) – Lorentz beta factor.

_set_from_sigma(beam_parameters: BeamParameters, phase_space_names: Sequence[str], sigmas: Iterable[ndarray], gamma_kin: ndarray, beta_kin: ndarray) None

Initialize transfer matrices from \(\sigma\) beam matrix.

_set_from_transfer_matrix(beam_parameters: BeamParameters, phase_space_names: Sequence[str], transfer_matrices: Sequence[ndarray], gamma_kin: ndarray, beta_kin: ndarray) None

Initialize phase spaces from their transfer matrices.

  • beam_parameters (BeamParameters) – Object holding the different phase spaces.

  • phase_space_names (Sequence[str]) – Names of the phase spaces to initialize.

  • transfer_matrices (Sequence[np.ndarray]) – Transfer matrix corresponding to each phase space.

  • gamma_kin (np.ndarray) – Lorentz gamma factor.

  • beta_kin (np.ndarray) – Lorentz beta factor.

_set_only_emittance(beam_parameters: BeamParameters, phase_space_names: Sequence[str], emittances: Iterable[ndarray]) None

Set only the emittance.

_set_transverse_from_x_and_y(beam_parameters: BeamParameters, other_phase_space_names: tuple[str, str], phase_space_name: str) None

Initialize t (transverse) phase space.


beam_parameters (BeamParameters) – Object already holding the beam parameters in the x and y phase spaces.

abstract factory_method(*args, **kwargs) BeamParameters

Create the BeamParameters object.

class InitialBeamParametersFactory(is_3d: bool, is_multipart: bool)

Bases: ABC

This is used when creating new ListOfElements.

This factory is not subclassed. Only one instance should be created.


Remove the is_3d, is_multipart as I always create the same object with True, True. Also self._determine_phase_spaces() is useless.

__init__(is_3d: bool, is_multipart: bool) None

Create factory and list of phase spaces to generate.

  • is_3d (bool) – If the simulation is in 3D.

  • is_multipart (bool) – If the simulation is a multiparticle.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_initial_beam_parameters_kw(simulation_output: SimulationOutput, get_kw: dict[str, Element | str | bool | None]) dict[str, float]

Generate the kw to instantiate the InitialBeamParameters.

  • simulation_output (SimulationOutput) – Object from which the initial beam will be taken.

  • get_kw (dict[str, Element | str | bool | None]) – Keyword argument to get args at proper position.


Dictionary of keyword arguments for InitialBeamParameters.

Return type:

dict[str, float]

_initial_phase_space_beam_parameters_kw(original_beam_parameters: BeamParameters, phase_space_names: Sequence[str], get_kw: dict[str, Element | str | bool | None], skip_missing_phase_spaces: bool) dict[str, dict[str, float | ndarray]]

Get all beam data at proper position and store it in a dict.

  • original_beam_parameters (BeamParameters) – Object holding original beam parameters.

  • get_kw (dict[str, Element | str | bool | None]) – dict that can be passed to the get method and that will return the data at the beginning of the linac portion.

  • skip_missing_phase_spaces (bool) – To handle when a phase space from :var:`self.phase_spaces` is not defined in original_beam_parameters, and is therefore not initializable. If True, we just skip it. If False and such a case happens, an AttributeError will be raised.


initial_phase_spaces_kw – Keys are the name of the phase spaces. The values are other dictionaries, which keys-values are PhaseSpaceInitialBeamParameters attributes.

Return type:

dict[str, dict[str, float | np.ndarray]]

_set_from_other_phase_space(initial_beam_parameters: InitialBeamParameters, other_phase_space_name: str, phase_space_names: Sequence[str]) None

Instantiate a phase space from another one.

  • initial_beam_parameters (InitialBeamParameters) – Object holding the beam parameters in different phase spaces.

  • other_phase_space_name ({'zdelta'}) – Name of the phase space from which the new phase space will be initialized.

  • phase_space_names (Sequence[{'phiw', 'z'}]) – Name of the phase spaces that will be created.

  • gamma_kin (float) – Lorentz gamma factor.

  • beta_kin (float) – Lorentz beta factor.

_set_from_sigma(initial_beam_parameters: InitialBeamParameters, phase_space_names: Sequence[str], sigmas: Iterable[ndarray]) None

Initialize transfer matrices from \(\sigma\) beam matrix.

factory_new(sigma_in: ndarray, w_kin: float, z_abs: float = 0.0) InitialBeamParameters

Create the beam parameters for the beginning of the linac.

  • sigma_in (np.ndarray) – \(\sigma\) beam matrix.

  • w_kin (float) – Kinetic energy in MeV.

  • z_abs (float, optional) – Absolute position of the linac start. Should be 0, which is the default.


Beam parameters at the start of the linac.

Return type:


factory_subset(simulation_output: SimulationOutput, get_kw: dict[str, Element | str | bool | None]) InitialBeamParameters

Generate InitialBeamParameters for a linac portion.

  • simulation_output (SimulationOutput) – Object from which the beam parameters data will be taken.

  • get_kw (dict[str, Element | str | bool | None]) – dict that can be passed to the get method and that will return the data at the beginning of the linac portion.


Holds information on the beam at the beginning of the linac portion.

Return type:
