core.beam_parameters.helper module

Define functions useful for beam parameters calculations.

For more information on the units that are used in this module, see Units and conventions.

envelopes_from_sigma(phase_space_name: str, sigma: ndarray) ndarray

Compute the envelopes.

Units are \(mm\) for the position envelope in \([z-\delta]\), \([x-x']\), \([y-y']\). Units are \(%\) for the energy envelope in \([z-\delta]\), and \(mrad\) for \([x-x']\) and \([y-y']\).

  • phase_space_name (str) – Name of the phase space, used to set the proper normalization.

  • sigma (np.ndarray) – (n, 2, 2) (or (2, 2)) array holding \(\sigma\) beam matrix.


envelopes(n, 2) (or (2, )) array with position envelope in first column, energy envelope in second.

Return type:


envelopes_from_twiss_eps(twiss: ndarray, eps: ndarray | float) ndarray

Compute the envelopes from the Twiss parameters and emittance.

  • twiss (np.ndarray) – (n, 3) (or (3, )) array of Twiss parameters.

  • eps (np.ndarray) – (n, ) array of emittance. If the phase space is \([\phi-W]\), the emittance should be normalized. Else, it should be un-normalized.


envelopes(n, 2) (or (2, )) array with position envelope in first column, energy envelope in second.

Return type:


eps_from_other_phase_space(other_phase_space_name: str, phase_space_name: str, eps_other: ndarray, gamma_kin: ndarray, beta_kin: ndarray) tuple[ndarray, ndarray]
eps_from_other_phase_space(other_phase_space_name: str, phase_space_name: str, eps_other: float, gamma_kin: float, beta_kin: float) tuple[float, float]

Convert emittance from another phase space.

Output emittance is normalized if input is, and is un-normalized if the input emittance is not normalized.


old funct returned eps with same normalisation state as given eps_other

  • other_phase_space_name (str) – Name of the original phase space.

  • phase_space_name (str) – Name of the phase space, used to ensure correct normalization/denormalization.

  • eps_other (np.ndarray | float) – (n, ) array (or float) of emittance of starting phase-space.

  • gamma_kin (np.ndarray | float) – (n, ) array (or float) of Lorentz gamma.

  • beta_kin (np.ndarray | float) – (n, ) array (or float) of Lorentz beta


  • eps_no_normalisation (np.ndarray | float) – (n, ) array (or float) of emittance, not normalized.

  • eps_normalized (np.ndarray | float) – (n, ) array (or float) of emittance, normalized.

eps_from_sigma(phase_space_name: str, sigma: ndarray, gamma_kin: ndarray, beta_kin: ndarray) tuple[ndarray, ndarray]
eps_from_sigma(phase_space_name: str, sigma: ndarray, gamma_kin: float, beta_kin: float) tuple[float, float]

Compute emittance from \(\sigma\) beam matrix.

In the \([z-\delta]\) phase space, emittance is in \(\pi.\mathrm{mm.\%}\). In the transverse phase spaces, emittance is in \(\pi.\mathrm{mm.mrad}\). \(\sigma\) is always in SI units.

  • phase_space_name (str) – Name of the phase space, used to apply proper normalization factor.

  • sigma (np.ndarray) – (n, 2, 2) (or (2, 2)) \(\sigma\) beam matrix in SI units.

  • gamma_kin (np.ndarray | float) – (n, ) (or float) Lorentz gamma factor.

  • beta_kin (np.ndarray | float) – (n, ) (or float) Lorentz beta factor.


  • eps_no_normalisation (np.ndarray | float) – (n, ) array (or float) of emittance, not normalized.

  • eps_normalized (np.ndarray float) – (n, ) array (or float) of emittance, normalized.

mismatch_from_arrays(ref: ndarray, fix: ndarray, transp: bool = False) ndarray

Compute the mismatch factor between two ellipses.

reconstruct_sigma(phase_space_name: str, sigma_00: ndarray, sigma_01: ndarray, eps: ndarray, tol: float = 1e-08, eps_is_normalized: bool = False, gamma_kin: ndarray | None = None, beta_kin: ndarray | None = None) ndarray

Set \(\sigma\) matrix from the two top components and emittance.

Inputs are in \(\mathrm{mm}\) and \(\mathrm{mrad}\), but the \(\sigma\) matrix is in SI units (\(\mathrm{m}\) and \(\mathrm{rad}\)).

  • phase_space_name (str) – Name of the phase space.

  • sigma_00 (np.ndarray) – (n, ) array of top-left sigma matrix components.

  • sigma_01 (np.ndarray) – (n, ) array of top-right (bottom-left) sigma matrix components.

  • eps (np.ndarray) – (n, ) un-normalized emittance array, in units consistent with sigma_00 and sigma_01.

  • tol (float, optional) – sigma_00 is set to np.nan where it is under tol to avoid RuntimeWarning. The default is 1e-8.

  • eps_is_normalized (bool, optional) – To tell if the given emittance is already normalized. The default is True. In this case, it is de-normalized and gamma_kin must be provided.

  • gamma_kin (np.ndarray | None, optional) – Lorentz gamma factor. The default is None. It is mandatory to give it if the emittance is given unnormalized.

  • beta_kin (np.ndarray | None, optional) – Lorentz beta factor. The default is None. In this case, we compute it from gamma_kin.


sigma(n, 2, 2) full sigma matrix along the linac.

Return type:


resample_twiss_on_fix(z_ref: ndarray, twiss_ref: ndarray, z_fix: ndarray) ndarray

Interpolate ref Twiss on fix Twiss to compute mismatch afterwards.

sigma_from_transfer_matrices(sigma_in: ndarray, tm_cumul: ndarray) ndarray

Compute the \(\sigma\) beam matrices over the linac.

sigma_in and transfer matrices shall have same units, in the same phase space.

  • tm_cumul (np.ndarray) – (n, 2, 2) cumulated transfer matrices along the linac.

  • sigma_in (np.ndarray) – (2, 2) \(\sigma\) beam matrix at the linac entrance.


sigma(n, 2, 2) \(\sigma\) beam matrix along the linac.

Return type:


twiss_from_other_phase_space(other_phase_space_name: str, phase_space_name: str, twiss_other: ndarray, gamma_kin: ndarray | float, beta_kin: ndarray | float) ndarray

Compute Twiss parameters from Twiss parameters in another plane.

  • other_phase_space_name (str) – Name of the original phase space.

  • phase_space_name (str) – Name of the phase space.

  • twiss_other (np.ndarray) – (n, 3) Twiss array from original phase space.

  • gamma_kin (np.ndarray | float) – (n, ) array (or float) of Lorentz gamma.

  • beta_kin (np.ndarray | float) – (n, ) array (or float) of Lorentz beta


twiss(n, 3) array of Twiss parameters.

Return type:


twiss_from_sigma(phase_space_name: str, sigma: ndarray, eps_no_normalisation: ndarray | float, tol: float = 1e-08) ndarray

Compute the Twiss parameters using the \(\sigma\) matrix.

In the \([z-\delta]\) phase space, emittance and Twiss are in \(\mathrm{mm}\) and \(\mathrm{\%}\). In the transverse phase spaces, emittance and Twiss are in \(\mathrm{mm}\) and \(\mathrm{mrad}\). \(\sigma\) is always in SI units.


Would be better if all emittances had the same units? Check consistency with rest of the code…


Check if property setter work with the *= thingy

  • phase_space_name (str) – Name of the phase space, used to set the proper normalization.

  • sigma (np.ndarray) – (n, 2, 2) array (or (2, 2)) holding \(\sigma\) beam matrix.

  • eps_no_normalisation (np.ndarray | float) – (n, ) array (or float) of unnormalized emittance.

  • tol (float, optional) – eps_no_normalisation is set to np.nan where it is under tol to avoid RuntimeWarning. The default is 1e-8.


twiss(n, 3) (or (3, )) array of Twiss parameters.

Return type:
