core.elements.field_maps.cavity_settings_factory module

Create CavitySettings from various contexts.

class CavitySettingsFactory(freq_bunch_mhz: float)

Bases: object

Base class to create CavitySettings objects.

__init__(freq_bunch_mhz: float) None

Instantiate factory, with attributes common to all cavities.

_reference(absolute_phase_flag: bool, set_sync_phase: bool) str

Determine which phase will be the reference one.

from_line_in_dat_file(line: list[str], set_sync_phase: bool = False) CavitySettings

Create the cavity settings as read in the .dat file.

from_optimisation_algorithm(base_settings: Sequence[CavitySettings], var: ndarray, reference: str, status: str) list[CavitySettings]

Create the cavity settings to try during an optimisation.

from_other_cavity_settings(cavity_settings: Sequence[CavitySettings], reference: str = '') list[CavitySettings]

Create a copy of cavity_settings, reference can be updated.

Not used for the moment.