core.elements.field_maps.factory module

Define a class to easily create FieldMap objects.

This element has its own factory as I expect that creating field maps will become very complex in the future: 3D, superposed fields…


This will be subclassed, as the different solvers do not have the same needs. TraceWin does not need to load the electromagnetic fields, so every FIELD_MAP is implemented. Envelope1D cannot support 3D. etc

class FieldMapFactory(default_field_map_folder: Path, freq_bunch_mhz: float, default_absolute_phase_flag: str = '0', **factory_kw: Any)

Bases: object

An object to create FieldMap objects.

__init__(default_field_map_folder: Path, freq_bunch_mhz: float, default_absolute_phase_flag: str = '0', **factory_kw: Any) None

Save the default folder for field maps.

_append_absolute_phase_flag(line: list[str]) None

Add an explicit absolute phase flag.

_get_proper_field_map_subclass(geometry: int) ABCMeta

Determine the proper field map subclass.


As for now, it always raises an error or return the rf electric field 1D class FieldMap100.

run(line: list[str], dat_idx: int, name: str | None = None, **kwargs) FieldMap

Call proper constructor.

IMPLEMENTED_FIELD_MAPS = {100: <class 'core.elements.field_maps.field_map_100.FieldMap100'>, 1100: <class 'core.elements.field_maps.field_map_1100.FieldMap1100'>, 7700: <class 'core.elements.field_maps.field_map_7700.FieldMap7700'>}
warn_once(geometry: int)

Raise this warning only once.