visualization.plot module

Define a library to produce all these nice plots.

When adding you own presets, do not forget to add them to the list of implemented plots in config.plots.


better detection of what is a multiparticle simulation and what is not. Currently looking for “‘partran’: 0” in the name of the solver, making the assumption that multipart is the default. But it depends on the .ini… update: just use .is_a_multiparticle_simulation


Fix when there is only one accelerator to plot.


Different plot according to dimension of FieldMap, or according to if it accelerates or not (ex when quadrupole defined by a field map)

_all_accelerators_data(x_axis: str, y_axis: str, *accelerators: Accelerator) tuple[list[ndarray], list[ndarray], list[dict[str, Any]]]

Get x_data, y_data, kwargs from all Accelerators (<=> for 1 subplot).

_autoscale_based_on(axx: Axes, to_ignore: str) None

Rescale axis, ignoring Lines with to_ignore in their label.

_avoid_similar_labels(plt_kwargs: list[dict]) list[dict]

Append a number at the end of labels in doublons.


Compute the ellipse parameters so as to plot the ellipse.


d_eq (dict) –

Holds ellipe equations parameters, defined as:

Ax**2 + Bxy + Cy**2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0


d_plot – Holds semi axis, center of ellipse, angle.

Return type:


_compute_error(x_data: list[ndarray], y_data: list[ndarray], plt_kwargs: dict[str, int | bool | str], fun_error: Callable[[ndarray, ndarray], ndarray]) tuple[list[ndarray], list[ndarray]]

Compute error with proper reference and proper function.

_error_calculation_function(y_axis: str) tuple[Callable[[ndarray, ndarray], ndarray], str]

Set the function called to compute error.

_keep_colors(axe: Axes) dict[str, str]

Keep track of the color associated with each SimulationOutput.

_make_a_subplot(axe: Axes, x_axis: str, y_axis: str, colors: dict[str, str] | None, *accelerators: Accelerator, plot_section: bool = True, symetric_plot: bool = False, **kwargs: bool | int | str) None

Get proper data and plot it on an Axe.

_plot_aperture(aperture: Aperture, x_0: float, width: float) Rectangle

Add a thin line to show an aperture.

_plot_bend(bend: Bend, x_0: float, width: float) Rectangle

Add a greyed rectangle to show a bend.

_plot_drift(drift: Drift, x_0: float, width: float) Rectangle

Add a little rectangle to show a drift.

_plot_edge(edge: Edge, x_0: float, width: float) Rectangle

Add a thin line to show an edge.

_plot_field_map(field_map: FieldMap, x_0: float, width: float) Ellipse

Add an ellipse to show a field_map.

_plot_preset(str_preset: str, *args: Accelerator, x_axis: str = 'z_abs', all_y_axis: list[str] | None = None, save_fig: bool = True, **kwargs: bool | str | int) figure

Plot a preset.

  • str_preset (str) – Key of PLOT_PRESETS.

  • *args (Accelerator) – Accelerators to plot. In typical usage, args = (Working, Fixed) (previously: (Working, Broken, Fixed). Useful to reimplement?)

  • x_axis (str, optional) – Name of the x axis. The default is ‘z_abs’.

  • all_y_axis (list[str] | None, optional) – Name of all the y axis. The default is None.

  • save_fig (bool, optional) – To save Figures or not. The default is True.

  • **kwargs (bool | str | int) – Holds all complementary data on the plots.

_plot_quad(quad: Quad, x_0: float, width: float) Polygon

Add a crossed large rectangle to show a quad.

_plot_section(linac, ax, x_axis='z_abs')

Add light grey rectangles behind the plot to show the sections.

_plot_structure(elts: ListOfElements, ax: Axes, x_axis: str = 'z_abs') None

Plot structure of the linac under study.

_proper_kwargs(preset: str, kwargs: dict[str, bool]) dict[str, bool | int | str]

Merge dicts, priority kwargs > PLOT_PRESETS > FALLBACK_PRESETS.

_savefig(fig: Figure, filepath: Path) None

Save the figure.

_single_accelerator_all_simulations_data(x_axis: str, y_axis: str, accelerator: Accelerator) tuple[list[ndarray], list[ndarray], list[dict[str, Any]]]

Get x_data, y_data, kwargs from all SimulationOutputs of Accelerator.

_single_simulation_all_data(x_axis: str, y_axis: str, simulation_output: SimulationOutput) tuple[ndarray, ndarray, dict | None]

Get x data, y data, kwargs from a SimulationOutput.

_single_simulation_data(axis: str, simulation_output: SimulationOutput) list[float] | None

Get single data array from single SimulationOutput.

_y_label(y_axis: str) str

Set the proper y axis label.

clean_axes(axlist: Sequence[Axes]) None

Clean given axis.

clean_figure(fignumlist: Sequence[Figure]) None

Clean axis of Figs in fignumlist.

create_fig_if_not_exists(axnum: int | list[int], sharex: bool = False, num: int = 1, clean_fig: bool = False, **kwargs: bool | str | int) tuple[Figure, list[Axes]]

Check if figures were already created, create it if not.

  • axnum (int | list[int]) – Axes indexes as understood by fig.add_subplot or number of desired axes.

  • sharex (boolean, optional) – If x axis should be shared. The default is False.

  • num (int, optional) – Fig number. The default is 1.

  • clean_fig (bool, optional) – If the previous plot should be erased from Figure. The default is False.

factory(accelerators: Sequence[Accelerator], plots: dict[str, bool], **kwargs: bool) list[Figure]

Create all the desired plots.

plot_ellipse(axx, d_eq, **plot_kwargs)

Perform the proper ellipse plotting.

plot_ellipse_emittance(axx, accelerator, idx, phase_space='w')

Plot the emittance ellipse and highlight interesting data.

plot_fit_progress(hist_f, l_label, nature='Relative')

Plot the evolution of the objective functions w/ each iteration.

plot_pty_with_data_tags(ax, x, y, idx_list, tags=True)

Plot y vs x.

Data at idx_list are magnified with bigger points and data tags.

remove_artists(axe: Axes) None

Remove lines and plots, but keep labels and grids.